Category: Politics & Power

  • Don’t Pay Your Taxes & Radically Changing the Constitution

    Don’t Pay Your Taxes & Radically Changing the Constitution

    On principal, I don’t support killing–which too much of our federal taxes end up being used to do. Whether directly through our own military, or via foreign aid to places like Israel and Ukraine, the money is used to buy weapons and bombs to destroy people’s lives and homes. I want no part of it.…

  • Mooning the Navajo

    Mooning the Navajo

    Early this morning, in spite of the President of Navajo Nation, Buu Nygren’s petitioning to remove them, the company Celestis in partnership with NASA launched a rocket headed towards Luna loaded with cremated remains of 62 individuals and animal(s) inside of a lunar lander. The company’s website says they’ve been launching remains into space since…

  • Expertise (or the Lack Thereof)

    I was going through my morning social media scroll on Tik Tok when I saw a video of a man expressing disappointment with the public’s distrust of various experts. He alluded to some of Joe Rogan’s famous interviews that discussed the coronavirus. I’ve heard similar sentiments of repudiation echoed about Rogan’s words, actions and influence…