Tag: love

  • Algebra

    love + loss = heartache heat – AC = blaspheming XX + XY = ? who has time for algebra in a world of statistics and calculus? arithmetic has never done me wrong. One plus One has made more than two could hope for once already in good faith, who knows how many blessings may…

  • Speechless


    Thoughts and prayers don’t go very far if they aren’t followed up on with action. There is a plague about, and I don’t mean coronavirus. Our culture is diseased, sick. It is ill in ideal and unhealthy in practice. What doctor is qualified to direct us on how to address the problem? Well when you…

  • Betrayal, Disappointment & Neglect

    Betrayal, Disappointment & Neglect

    The worst thing you can do to someone is to take advantage of their trust and hurt them as a means toward your own selfish ends. This can be done accidentally, with noble intentions. Motive only matters so much. Consequences are important as well, and must not be excluded from your ethical calculus. These big…